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Nexus 7 2013: 5.0.2: LRX22G: 48000: 240: 5: 64: Nexus 7 2013: 5.1: LMY47O: 48000: 240: 5: 55: Nexus 7 2013: 6.0: MRA58K: 48000: 240: 5: 55: Nexus 5: 4.4.4: KTU84P: 48000: 240: 5: 95: Nexus 5: 5.0.0: LRX21O: 48000: 240: 5: 47: Nexus 5: 5.1: LMY47I: 48000: 240: 5: 42: Nexus 5: 6.0: MRA58K: 48000: 192: 4: 38: Nexus 9: 5.0.0: LRX21L: 48000: 256: 5.3: 35: Nexus 9: 5.0.1: LRX22C: 48000: 256: 5.3: 38: Nexus 9: 5.1.1: LMY47X: 48000: 256: 5.3: 32: Nexus 9: 6.0: MRA58K: 48000: 128: 2.6: 15: Nexus 6: 5

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KONICA MINOLTA PageScope Mobile for the Android is an application that will allow you to easily connect to KONICA MINOLTA printing devices from your Android device. Furthermore, it will enable you to print documents and Emails as well as importing scanned data. Nexus 7 2013: 5.0.2: LRX22G: 48000: 240: 5: 64: Nexus 7 2013: 5.1: LMY47O: 48000: 240: 5: 55: Nexus 7 2013: 6.0: MRA58K: 48000: 240: 5: 55: Nexus 5: 4.4.4: KTU84P: 48000: 240: 5: 95: Nexus 5: 5.0.0: LRX21O: 48000: 240: 5: 47: Nexus 5: 5.1: LMY47I: 48000: 240: 5: 42: Nexus 5: 6.0: MRA58K: 48000: 192: 4: 38: Nexus 9: 5.0.0: LRX21L: 48000: 256: 5.3: 35: Nexus 9: 5.0.1: LRX22C: 48000: 256: 5.3: 38: Nexus 9: 5.1.1: LMY47X: 48000: 256: 5.3: 32: Nexus 9: 6.0: MRA58K: 48000: 128: 2.6: 15: Nexus 6: 5 实现音频 HAL. 音频 HAL 由以下接口组成:. hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h 表示音频设备的主函数。. hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/audio_effect.h 表示可应用于音频的效果,如缩混、回音或噪音抑制。. 您必须实现所有接口。.