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Minimum: OS: 10.12 (Sierra) Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Dual-Core) Memory: 4 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 13 GB Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 / NVidia Geforce 8800 Additional: Macintosh mouse and keyboard, Borderlands 2 supports the Xbox 360 wired gamepad only. Supported Video Cards:NVIDIA GeForce® 8800, GT 120, 320M, 330M, 640M, 650M, 660M, 675MX, …

Borderlands 2 - Epic Games

Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living 《无主之地2:VR》今秋登陆PC 真实体验重游潘多拉 2019-08-31 0; E3:《无主之地2》新DLC独家试玩 莉莉丝的成长之路 2019-06-10 0 《无主之地2》或将推出免费DLC 含承上启下的新剧情 2019-06-06 0 《无主之地2》Steam玩家在线量大涨 近30天激增89% 2019-04-13 0 上月,《无主之地2(Borderlands 2)》公布的一个免费DLC(Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary)将于本月9号恢复原价,原价为14.99美元。如果购买了游戏本体的玩家最好再确认一下! 这个DLC中的剧情弥补了《无主之地2》和《无主之地3》之间的空白。 Oct 08, 2013 · With the Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition, players can experience every epic boss battle, increase the level for each of the six playable Vault Hunters, play all of the additional campaign content, and enjoy hundreds of hours of shoot-and-loot mayhem at an extraordinary value. 《无主之地2》是一款RPG风格合作FPS游戏,本作中的AI将会比一代有明显进步,敌人不再是一盘散沙。比如机器人会互相照顾,盗贼会爆发火拼;某些带有元素属性的生物(比如Fire Skag)会对该元素免疫,而一群没 [绿色版]《无主之地2》免安装中文绿色版[游侠LMAO汉化9.0] [绿色版]《无主之地2重制版》官方中文正式版[Steam正版分流|官方繁体中文] [光盘版]《无主之地2》免DVD光盘版 无主之地2v1.8二十八项修改器LinGon版 无主之地2老虎机必爆橙装修改器 无主之地2存档编辑器R277 Gibbed版汉化版 无主之地2v1.0二十项 Borderlands 2 is a game that lives by its co-op—it's fun to play the game solo, but it's even more fun to play with friends. It's even more fun to play with a friend in the same room. 支持PC单机版的最新四个版本,功能实用、品质上佳的游戏助手。 支持下列游戏版本: Borderlands 2 Update v1.4.0 (铁臂先生的大猎杀) Borderlands 2 Update v1.5.0 (面具疯子) Borderlands 2 Update v1.6.0 (小蒂娜入侵龙堡) Borderlands 2 Update v1.7.0 (12号补丁) Borderlands 2 Update v1.8.0 (13号补丁) Estos son los requisitos mínimos y recomendados para jugar a Borderlands 2 en PC. Consulta aquí las especificaciones técnicas del sistema para saber si podrás mover el juego en tu ordenador. Sep 18, 2012 · Borderlands 2 is a hybrid First-Person Shooter, RPG game focused on over-the-top co-op play, and set in the open-world game environment of the planet Pandora. The second game in the game series, Borderlands 2 raises the 'loot and shoot' action of the original game with an even larger and more detailed world to explore, an updated gun system, a new cast of characters and character classes, and Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack Borderlands 2 - Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty {:body=>"

Released on September 18, 2012, Borderlands 2 is the critically acclaimed FPS released by 2K Games and developed by Gearbox.

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流星网络电视从2004年运营至今,为您提供全球电视直播,并且可以回看一周内的电视节目。节目缓冲快,播放流畅;软件操作方便,没有任何广告。被用户称为最好的网络电视软件。 Borderlands 3 gets even bigger with the Director's Cut add-on, featuring a raid boss encounter, additional story missions, behind-the-scenes extras, and 17 hours ago · Basato sulla release Borderlands.3.Designers.Cut-CODEX (la trovi in basso): codex-borderlands.3.designers.cut.iso (127.560.089.600 byte) La versione del gioco è Build 6112333 del 21 gennaio 2021 Tutti i DLC rilasciati sono inclusi e attivati; Ricorda che il gioco non è ancora completo, altri DLC arriveranno nel 2021 Minimum: OS: 10.12 (Sierra) Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Dual-Core) Memory: 4 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 13 GB Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 / NVidia Geforce 8800 Additional: Macintosh mouse and keyboard, Borderlands 2 supports the Xbox 360 wired gamepad only. Supported Video Cards:NVIDIA GeForce® 8800, GT 120, 320M, 330M, 640M, 650M, 660M, 675MX, … For Borderlands 2 on the PC, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help - Page 153. Borderlands 2 – Message Board Xbox 360 . Android Linux Macintosh PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation Vita PC PlayStation 4. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Notify me about new: Guides.

Borderlands 2 - PC: Video Games -

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Borderlands 2 on Steam

手机游戏 网页游戏 安卓应用市场 最新网页游戏 游资网 安卓软件下载 使命 《无主之地》是Gearbox开发,2K Games发行的一款RPG风格的第一人称射击游戏,于2009年10月20日发行。由GearBox开发的《无主之地》是一款带有RPG元素的FPS游戏,该作一改原先 2K Gmes正式公布了旗下《无主之地2》前传作品《无主之地:前传(Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)》,本作将会登陆PC、PS3和Xbox 360平台。 游戏采用《无主之地2》的引擎开发,设定1代与2代之间,剧情为反派Jack是如何变坏的,主角们刚开始会帮助他,然后才成为邪恶的Boss。 游戏名称:无主之地2 英文名称:Borderlands 2 游戏类型:第一人称射击 游戏制作:Gearbox Software 游戏发行:2K Games 游戏平台:PC 上市时间:2013年10月09日 官方网址:点击进入. 游民星空无主之地2专区 Borderlands 2 - A new era of shoot and loot is about to begin. Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living 《无主之地2:VR》今秋登陆PC 真实体验重游潘多拉 2019-08-31 0; E3:《无主之地2》新DLC独家试玩 莉莉丝的成长之路 2019-06-10 0 《无主之地2》或将推出免费DLC 含承上启下的新剧情 2019-06-06 0 《无主之地2》Steam玩家在线量大涨 近30天激增89% 2019-04-13 0 上月,《无主之地2(Borderlands 2)》公布的一个免费DLC(Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary)将于本月9号恢复原价,原价为14.99美元。如果购买了游戏本体的玩家最好再确认一下! 这个DLC中的剧情弥补了《无主之地2》和《无主之地3》之间的空白。 Oct 08, 2013 · With the Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition, players can experience every epic boss battle, increase the level for each of the six playable Vault Hunters, play all of the additional campaign content, and enjoy hundreds of hours of shoot-and-loot mayhem at an extraordinary value.

Borderlands 2 pc下载10.89

Borderlands 2:T.K. Baha’s Bloody Harvest 无主之地2:T.K.巴哈的血色收获的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人 Borderlands 2 nhận được nhiều lời khen ngợi. Các trang web đánh giá tổng hợp GameRankings và Metacritic cho phiên bản PlayStation 3 90,50% và 91/100 , phiên bản PC 90,10% và 89/100 và phiên bản Xbox 360 89,26% và 89/100 [34] . Additional Notes: Gamepad support: Borderlands 2 supports both the Xbox 360 wired gamepad AND the PlayStation 3 Dualshock 3 Wireless Controller NOTICE: It is possible for Mac and PC to become out of sync during updates. Within this short time period, Mac users will only be able to play other Mac users. Summary: Borderlands 2 advances the distinct blending of FPS and role-playing genres to create an evolution of the Role Playing Shooter. Team up with up to 3 other players for 4-player online goodness or go old-school with 2-player split-screen couch sharing mayhem as you spend hours leveling up your Borderlands 2 advances the distinct blending of FPS and role-playing genres to create an 欢迎前来淘宝网选购热销商品Steam PC正版游戏 key 无主之地 2 年度版 Borderlands 2 GOTY,想了解更多Steam PC正版游戏 key 无主之地 2 年度版 Borderlands 2 GOTY,请进入szon的店铺,更多null商品任你选购 《仁王2》PC中文正式版下载 《鬼谷八荒》正版购买 《赛博朋克2077》正版购买 《神陨》EPIC中文正式版下载 《使命召唤17:黑色行动5》战网中文版下载 《天穗的长命草姬》PC中文正式版下载 《如龙7》PC正式版下载 《刺客信条:英灵殿》PC中文版Uplay正版分流下载 2012-09-04 无主之地2怎么联机啊 106; 2015-10-01 无主之地2 1.8.2 用局域网和ip直连法 都不能联机(急 2012-09-28 无主之地2联机后掉落的装备和单人游戏掉落的装备一样吗?请高手 2016-07-21 游侠上下载的无主之地2能不能联机玩 怎么联机 Xbox One X Enhanced, featuring 4K Ultra HD and HDR. Discover the co-op shooter-looter that started it all, crammed with content and enhancements!

Borderlands 2 pc下载10.89

Contribute to gibbed/Gibbed.Borderlands2 development by creating an account on GitHub. If you want the save editor, download Buy games & game keys with Green Man Gaming - get the best prices, awesome bundles & exclusive game deals daily! Visit to explore Green Man Gaming now! 4399游戏盒为您提供十万海量手机游戏免费下载,精彩游戏视频解说,众多游戏攻略评测,还有好玩的手游推荐。找热门好玩的游戏就用4399手机游戏盒。 Shoot and loot as you explore the mayhem-filled world of Pandora in BORDERLANDS 2 and the lunar madness of BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL in BORDERLANDS: THE HANDSOME COLLECTION.

Borderlands 2 - Gearbox

Now Playing. Enhance Borderlands 3 with the content add-ons of Season Pass 2, featuring new modes and missions, a 4th skill tree for each Vault Hunter, and unique Minimum: OS: 10.12 (Sierra) Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Dual-Core) Memory: 4 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 13 GB Video Memory: 256 MB Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 2600 / NVidia Geforce 8800 Additional: Macintosh mouse and keyboard, Borderlands 2 supports the Xbox 360 wired gamepad only. Supported Video Cards:NVIDIA GeForce® 8800, GT 120, 320M, 330M, 640M, 650M, 660M, 675MX, … 2 days ago · Borderlands is an action role-playing first-person shooter video game franchise set in a space western science fantasy setting, created by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games for multiple platforms.. The series consists of four games, each with multiple downloadable content packs: Borderlands (2009), Borderlands 2 … 《無主之地3》使用Director's Cut插件變得更大,具有突襲老闆的遭遇,額外的故事任務,幕後花絮以及三套主題收藏品! Проверено: Без вирусов, скачать торрент напрямую Borderlands 3 последнюю версию 2021 + все дополнения бесплатно на компьютер в один клик. Или просто скачивайте без торрента Borderlands 3 по прямой ссылке и без регистрации.

Borderlands 2 pc下载10.89

Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living 《无主之地2:VR》今秋登陆PC 真实体验重游潘多拉 2019-08-31 0; E3:《无主之地2》新DLC独家试玩 莉莉丝的成长之路 2019-06-10 0 《无主之地2》或将推出免费DLC 含承上启下的新剧情 2019-06-06 0 《无主之地2》Steam玩家在线量大涨 近30天激增89% 2019-04-13 0 上月,《无主之地2(Borderlands 2)》公布的一个免费DLC(Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary)将于本月9号恢复原价,原价为14.99美元。如果购买了游戏本体的玩家最好再确认一下! 这个DLC中的剧情弥补了《无主之地2》和《无主之地3》之间的空白。 Oct 08, 2013 · With the Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition, players can experience every epic boss battle, increase the level for each of the six playable Vault Hunters, play all of the additional campaign content, and enjoy hundreds of hours of shoot-and-loot mayhem at an extraordinary value. 《无主之地2》是一款RPG风格合作FPS游戏,本作中的AI将会比一代有明显进步,敌人不再是一盘散沙。比如机器人会互相照顾,盗贼会爆发火拼;某些带有元素属性的生物(比如Fire Skag)会对该元素免疫,而一群没 [绿色版]《无主之地2》免安装中文绿色版[游侠LMAO汉化9.0] [绿色版]《无主之地2重制版》官方中文正式版[Steam正版分流|官方繁体中文] [光盘版]《无主之地2》免DVD光盘版 无主之地2v1.8二十八项修改器LinGon版 无主之地2老虎机必爆橙装修改器 无主之地2存档编辑器R277 Gibbed版汉化版 无主之地2v1.0二十项 Borderlands 2 is a game that lives by its co-op—it's fun to play the game solo, but it's even more fun to play with friends. It's even more fun to play with a friend in the same room. 支持PC单机版的最新四个版本,功能实用、品质上佳的游戏助手。 支持下列游戏版本: Borderlands 2 Update v1.4.0 (铁臂先生的大猎杀) Borderlands 2 Update v1.5.0 (面具疯子) Borderlands 2 Update v1.6.0 (小蒂娜入侵龙堡) Borderlands 2 Update v1.7.0 (12号补丁) Borderlands 2 Update v1.8.0 (13号补丁) Estos son los requisitos mínimos y recomendados para jugar a Borderlands 2 en PC. Consulta aquí las especificaciones técnicas del sistema para saber si podrás mover el juego en tu ordenador. Sep 18, 2012 · Borderlands 2 is a hybrid First-Person Shooter, RPG game focused on over-the-top co-op play, and set in the open-world game environment of the planet Pandora. The second game in the game series, Borderlands 2 raises the 'loot and shoot' action of the original game with an even larger and more detailed world to explore, an updated gun system, a new cast of characters and character classes, and Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 Borderlands 2: Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack Borderlands 2: Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt Borderlands 2: Mr. Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack Borderlands 2 - Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty {:body=>"

Released on September 18, 2012, Borderlands 2 is the critically acclaimed FPS released by 2K Games and developed by Gearbox.

Erlebe als einer von vier neuen Vault-Jägern neue Welten und Feinde. Spielen Sie alleine oder mit Freunden, um verrückte Feinde zu besiegen, jede Menge Beute zu erbeuten und Ihr Zuhause vor den skrupellosesten Comparar los precios de codigo de juego Xbox One Barato y versiones en caja para jugar Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut en Xbox One al mejor precio Comprar código PS4 Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut Comparar Preços.